Part I. The Barbarian
what steps by which men passed from barbarism to civilzation
- - Voltaire
- highly educated in wide variety of disciplines
- suffered siezures
- very strong, nearly 7 feet tall
- thought in grand scale and ignored minor distractions
- very informal; had no refined manners
- sometimes unnecessarily cruel
- enjoyed drinking
- wild sense of humor
- insatiable curiosity and ideas – all geared towards utility and catching Russia up with the West
- very economical; no wasted money on pomp or kingship
- one love in his life, with Catherine I of peasant classs – she actively moderated his vices
Part II. The Petrine Revolution
- practiced despotic authority
- worked with extreme diligence
- 1712 – made St. Petersburg captial
- singular purpose in life: to westernize Russia
- introduced Wester culture, manners, fashio and mindset
- migrated Russia to Roman calendar and Greek alphabet
- lead the Russian Reformation, wresting power from the clergy which was part of a general process of secularization in Russia
- Industrialized Russian economy
- exhaustive taxation and currency depreciation in his reign
- Peter reformed education and opened new universities
Part III. Aftermath
- Peter's reforms faced growing resistance. The huge upheaval and embarrassing imitation forced on Russia was resented
- Peter's heir, Alexis, was rebelious and died in Prison – imprisoned by Peter himself
- peter died Feb 1725
- much of the reforms were reveresed after his death
- Nevertheless, he opened the door to Europe and oversaw a pivotal moment in Russian history, thought, and culture