Part I. The Reorganization of Germany
- 30 years war decimated German population, which recovered by 1700
- War also reduced centralised power, princes were acting independently in a return to semi-feudalism
- Frederick William paved the way for Frederick the Great
- developed strong standing army
- defeated Swedes at Fehrbellin
- economic administrative reforms
- Frederick III crowned King of Prussia in 1701 (as Frederick I)
Part II. The German Soul
- adopted French language and manners
- fond of drink
- Germany was desimated by 30 years war but maintained humor and sturdy morals
Part III. The Arts in Germany
- Architecture - German Baroque
- music was the primary artistic outlet
- Bach family produced hundreds of musicians from 1550 - 1850 culimating in Hohann Sebastian
Part IV. Austria and the Turks
- Austria should be seen as the defender of the West against resurgent Turkey in this period
- Turks invade Hungary but are defeated by Montecucculi's foces at Riber Raba crossing (1664) –> still the truce left most of Hungary to the Turnks
- Chirstian union was weak as Louis XIV attacked the Netherlands (1667)
- 1669 - Kara Mustafa invaded Austria with 250,000 men to siege Vienna – Polish Sobiesk arrived to help and caught the Turks unprepared –> Turks fled
- 1684 - Holy League formed – Austria, Poland, Venice against the Turks
- 1699 - Treaty of Karlowitz marked end of the Turkish danger
- Ottoman decline due to laziness and inefficiences that come with success; lack of innovation