• the opponent pushing off your chest is not a move seen at the higher level
  • a good opponent will keep the arms locked and close to the chest
  • you need to get the elbow inside the hips
    1. get a good cross face, grab under the rear deltoid
    2. walk the arm out and up
    3. eventually trap that arm with the head
    4. bring both arms under the head
    5. bring the knee up to your own elbow. This knee wedges the shoulder
    6. other leg comes around to under the far shoulder
    7. now the arms have released the head, the leg side arm is hooking the arm hook elbow to elbow
    8. touch ear to opponents thigh so the near leg can go over the opponent's head
  • do not sit down until the leg is over the opponent's head
  • you want to get the opponents forearm across the chest, before leaning back
  • make sure to secure the elbow at the hip
  • two on one once the arm is extended
  • can bring the feet together near his ear to raise the fulcrim point
  • one arm pushes and one pulls to get the tap