I basically just want to add all files, commit, and push to github once per day. The commands would be

git add .
git commit -m "cronjob daily backup"
git push

Ok so running that as a script works. But it will need to have an absolute path in order to with with crontab.

The crontab should look something like

1 0 * * * /home/tony/dev/tiddlywiki/backup.sh

I can create the cronjob using

crontab -e

To test it though, I'll start with every two minutes, like this

* * * * * /home/tony/dev/tiddlywiki/backup.sh

That appears to have worked. Let's see if it works for the second change too.

Used this for scheduling the crontab: https://crontab.guru

Next I want to setup a cronjob to render the public wiki daily as well.