Obviously, the real issue has nothing to do with the fear itself, but, rather, how we hold the fear. For some, the fear is totally irrelevant. For others, it creates a state of paralysis. The former hold their fear from a position of power ... the latter hold it from.a position of pain

This chapter discusses empowerment over oneself. The kind of empowerment that enables a person to be whole and independent and loved. It is noted, this has nothing to do with power of others.

By placing pain and power on a continuum, opposite each other, the author is positing that without power we feel psychic pain and as we move towards expressing more personal power we feel less pain. It is also a navigational chart, the goal for the reader is to always be moving towards a place of higher personal empowerment. It is suggested to the reader to create a large diagram of "Pain >>>>>>>>> Power" and to mark daily where on the chart the reader falls.

The author offers a chart of pain to power vocabulary, to help readers intellectualize things wit the right perspective:

I can'tI won't
I shouldI could
It's not my faultI am totally responsible
It's a problemIt's an opportunity
I'm never satisfiedI want to learn and grow
Life's a struggleLife's an adventure
I hopeI know
If onlyNext time
What will I do?I know I can handle it
It's terribleIt's a learning experience

It is argued that the vocabulary used sends messages to the subconscious; messages of power or messages of weakness. It's important to prime the mind with empowering messages.

As long as you are taking those risks – no matter how small – you are moving yourself to the right on the Pain-to-Power Chart.