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- 12 startups in a year
- 180 websites in 180 days
- 1917
- 28 Days Later
- 3 Most Important Jiu Jitsu Strangles (Chokes) by John Danaher
- 3 Rules for work
- 5 Tips To Pass ANY Guard by John Danaher
- 9 Best AI Journaling Apps in 2023
- A Matter of Degrees: What Temperature Reveals About the Past and Future of Our Species, Planet, and Universe
- A Portrait of Charles T. Munger
- A Serious Man
- About ECMAScript
- Adrien Fabre Blog
- advantages of scale
- an investing principles checklist
- Analytical Reading
- Analytical Reading Rule 1
- Analytical Reading Rule 2
- Analytical Reading Rule 3
- Analytical Reading Rule 4
- Analytical Reading Rule 5
- Analytical Reading Rule 6
- Analytical Reading Rule 7
- Analytical Reading Rule 8
- Andrew Carnegie
- Andrew Montalenti blog
- Apollo 11
- Application of multidisciplinary approach to education
- Applied Visual Design
- assiduity
- Availability-misweighing Tendency
- Awesome Blog
- bad accounting quote
- Basic Armbar From Mount
- Basic Positions
- be prepared for setbacks and tough times
- Beau is Afraid
- Beginner Submission Attacks from the Mount
- bell curve
- Benefits of multidisciplinary approach
- bet big when opportunity arises
- Bike Ride Lisbon to Lagos
- Bike Ride Sagres to Seville
- Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
- Book III: The Periphery
- Book Summaries
- Book V: France Against Europe (1638 - 1715)
- Books suggested in Poor Charlie's Almanack
- Bootstrap
- Brasilian jiu-jitsu
- break down the chapters into constituent parts
- Breaking Guard w/ Knee Post
- Brian Hayes Blog
- build a network based on trust
- Buster Benson Blog
- capital markets can be slow
- Carl Braun's notion of the 5 W's
- Carry-On
- Cauliflower Tacos With Cashew Crema Recipe
- Causes of extreme success
- ch 1 - What Are You Afraid of ... and Why?
- ch 2 - Can't You Make It Go Away?
- ch 3 - From Pain to Power
- ch 4 - Whether You Want It or Not ... It's Yours
- ch 5 - Pollyanna Rides Again
- Chapter I - To What Extend Forms of Government are a Matter of Choice
- Chapter XIII: Peter the Great (1698 - 1725)
- Chapter XIV: The Changing Empire (1648 - 1715)
- Chapter XIX: Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)
- Chapter XV: The Fallow South (1648 - 1715)
- Chapter XVI: The Jewish Enclaves (1564 - 1715)
- Chapter XVII: From Superstition to Scholarship (1648 - 1715)
- Chapter XVIII: The Scientific Quest (1648 - 1715)
- Chapter XX: English Philosophy (1648 - 1715)
- Chapter XXI: Faith and Reason in France (1648 - 1715)
- Chapter XXII: Spinoza (1623 - 1677)
- Chapter XXIII: Leibniz (1646 - 1716)
- Chapter XXIV: The Sun Sets
- Charlie Munger demeanor
- Charlie Munger lawyer joke
- Charlie Munger's focus
- Charlie's approach to life, learning, and decision making
- Chicken Legs Recipe (honey)
- Chicken Legs Recipe (mustard)
- Chicken Legs Recipe (spicy)
- circle of competence
- comfort-zone-jpg.png
- Comparison of Biology and Society
- competitive advantage
- Compound Interest
- Con Air
- Connection between psychology and morality
- Considerations on Representative Government
- copy what's working for others
- cost benefit analysis
- Criticizing a Book Fairly
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
- crowd folly
- CSS Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- curiosity
- Curiosity Tendency
- Darce Choke
- Deep Simplicity: Bringing Order to Chaos and Complexity
- Denial Tendency
- Deprival Superreaction Tendency
- Dev Blogs
- Diogo Mónica Blog
- disadvantages of scale
- Disliking/Hating Tendency
- distrust financial statements
- Diversification in investing
- don't fool yourself
- Doubt Avoidance Tendency
- Drug-misinfluence Tendency
- ECMA International
- ECMAScript
- ECMAScript Links
- ECMAScript Proposals April 2020
- economic market as ecosystem
- Economics and Investing Knowledge in Poor Charlie's Almanack
- Edge of Tomorrow
- effect of backward thinking
- Effective deterrence
- Efficiency Improvements in business
- Elementary Reading
- Eleven Talks by Charlie Munger
- Emily the Criminal
- emphasize good management
- Envy/Jealousy Tendency
- even great companies must be bought at fair price
- Excessive Self Regard Tendency
- Extracted Knowledge from Poor Charlie's Almanack
- Fair Play
- febezzle
- Feed your mind
- Feel the fear and do it anyway
- Fiasco: The Inside Story of a Wall Street Trader
- Five Fingers for Marseilles
- foolishness
- Frederico Pereiro Blog
- Fritatta de Pimentos e queijo
- Front End Development Libraries
- functional equivalence
- fundamental mental models in accounting
- fundamental mental models in mathematics
- Garlic Butter Baked Salmon
- Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters
- Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
- Ghost in the Shell
- golden rule of success
- Good Time
- Government regulation
- Granny's Rule
- Henrik Warne's blog: Thoughts on programming…
- Hit Man
- How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's Poorest Nation Created Our World and Everything in It
- How to be a Demanding Reader
- How to Boil Eggs
- How To Do The Perfect Armbar by John Danaher
- How to Journal by Hand with reMarkable and Jumble Journal (quick guide)
- how to measure success
- How to persuade effectively
- how to progress
- How to Read a Book
- How to Read a Book Preface
- How to Read a Book Resources
- How to solve complex problems
- how to teach effectively
- I Care A Lot.
- Ice Age
- identify bad judgement using known psychological tendencies and learn to avoid it yourself
- identify the people with deep understanding vs. shallow and eloquent
- ideology
- Ignore tax shelters
- importance of reliability
- incentives
- Inconsistency Avoidance Tendency
- Individual Bonds vs. Bond Funds
- Insomnia
- Inspectional Reading
- intellectual honesty
- intrinsic value
- intro - Opening the Door
- inversion principle
- invest in low risk with high upside
- invest in simple, dominant frachises
- Investing Basics: Bonds
- Investing in Corporate Bonds
- Investing in the United States
- Investing Lingo
- investment managers
- investment timing
- Japan stagflation
- JavaScript engine
- John Walker website
- Joy of using mental models
- jQuery
- Kantian Fairness Tendency
- Kevin Rooke Blog (Book Recommendation)
- lack of integrity quote
- Learn How To Do The Perfect Jiu Jitsu Mount Attack by John Danaher
- Les Schwab Pride in Performance: Keep It Going
- Life Skill Blog
- Liking/Loving Tendency
- Lisbon Recommendations
- Living Within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Populations Taboos
- lollapalooza effect
- Love and Monsters
- love based on admiration
- Magnolia
- Making progress
- Man and Rubber: The Story of Business
- management matters
- Martin Tournoij Blog
- Master and Margarita
- Maturity as a Graph
- maximising non-egality can often work wonders
- meaning
- Men to Match My Mountains: The Opening of the Far West, 1840 - 1900
- mental models in hard science
- Mental Models in Poor Charlie's Almanack
- mental models in psychology
- Midsommar
- Minimize Taxes When Investing
- Models of My Life
- Moon
- More to That
- Movie Reviews
- Mr. Market
- My bad opinions
- News of the World
- No Two Alike
- Of Human Bondage
- On the usage of multidisciplinary mental models
- Only the Paranoid Survive: How to Exploit the Crisis Points that Challenge Every Company and Career
- Oppenheimer
- opportunity cost
- Oreglia Spaghetti Sauce Recipe
- Origin of ECMAScript
- Overoptimism Tendency
- overthinking
- Pain-avoiding Psychological Denial Tendency
- paradox in economics
- Passing Guard (the stack)
- Passing Guard Nogi
- Past Lives
- patience and decisiveness
- Patrick McKenzie (patio11) blog
- Paul Graham Blog
- Pilots training method
- poems
- Poor Charlie's Almanack
- Poor Things
- Portuguese Oven Baked Dourada
- practice consistently or lose the skill
- psychological shortcuts
- psychological tendencies in Poor Charlie's Almanack
- Publishing my Public Wiki
- quote on fairness
- quote on generational knowledge transfer
- quote on incentives
- Quotes from Poor Charlie's Almanack
- Rationality of stock price
- React
- React with Redux
- read biographies
- Ready or Not
- Reason Expecting Tendency
- Recipes
- reciprocity quotation
- reciprocity tendency
- Red Dot
- Redux
- Remember: The Children on Charlie
- removal of ignorance is a moral obligation
- Reptile
- respect people
- Responsive Web Design
- Responsive Web Design Principles
- Reward/Punishment Super-response Tendency
- Rules of the Road in Poor Charlie's Almanack
- Rust
- Salmon with Garlic Lemon Butter Sauce
- Saltburn
- see challenges as opportunities to behave well
- Self serving bias
- Serpico
- Sisu
- skepticism
- Social Proof Tendency
- Some Thoughts on Self
- sometimes unfairness is the best overall solution
- Sound of Metal
- Staff Engineer Blog
- Steak Marinade
- stock market as a pari-mutuel system
- Stock price follows underlying business value
- Stress-Influence Tendency
- Summary of Virtues and Vice in Poor Charlie's Almanack
- Syntopical Reading
- Tachy
- Talk 1: Harvard School Commencement Speech
- Talk 10: USC Gould School of Law Commencement Address
- Talk 11: The Psychology of Human Misjudgement
- Talk 2: A Lesson on Elementary, Worldly Wisdom as It Relates to Investment Management and Business
- Talk 3: A Lesson on Elementary Worldly Wisdom
- Talk 4: Practical Though about Practical Thought?
- Talk 5: The Need for More Multidisciplinary Skills from Professionals: Educational Implications
- Talk 6: Investment Practices of Leading Charitable Foundations
- Talk 7: Breakfast Meeting of the Philanthropy Roundtable
- Talk 8: The Great Financial Scandal of 2003
- Talk 9: Academic Economics: Strengths and Faults after Considering Interdisciplinary Needs
- Taxi Driver
- TC39
- TD Ameritrade Investing Education
- technology disruption
- Tenet
- Thali's amazing chocolate brownie for your Sunday afternoon
- Thank You For Smoking
- Thanksgiving Dinner 2021
- The 3 Most Important Jiu Jitsu Techniques For A BJJ White Belt with John Danaher
- The Age of Louis XIV
- The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
- The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young
- The Block Island Sound
- The Decline
- The Deer Hunter
- The Dig
- The End of the Tour
- The Five Simple Rules of Investing
- The Invitation
- The Killing of a Sacred Deer
- The Life of Samuel Johnson
- The Midnight Sky
- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
- The Munger Approach to Life, Learning and Decision-Making
- The Nurture Assumption
- The Personal MBA
- The Prestige
- The Selfish Gene
- The Substance
- The Tax Benefits of Municipal Bonds
- The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal
- The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
- The Universe of Discourse Blog
- The Upside
- The Vast of Night
- The Warren Buffet Portfolio: Mastering the Power of the Focus Investment Strategy
- The White Tiger
- Thinking Tools in Poor Charlie's Almanack
- Thoughts on living with meaning
- Three Scientists and Their Gods: Looking for Meaning in an Age of Information
- TiddlyWiki
- Tiny Projects
- Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.
- Tony Wiki's
- Topics of Study / Research
- tsconfig
- Twaddle Tendency
- Two Hands
- Types of reading
- Use-it-or-lose-it Tendency
- useful philosophy
- Using a Cronjobs to Backup my Wiki Daily
- Using Checklists
- using the right tool
- Utilizing Emotion
- Value of thinking correctly
- vice effect quote
- VIM Cheat Sheet
- Virtues and Vice in Poor Charlie's Almanack
- wealth effect of stock market
- Wealth of Nations
- Wealth of Nations Book 1 Chapter 1
- Wealth of Nations Book 1 Chapter 10
- Wealth of Nations Book 1 Chapter 11
- Wealth of Nations Book 1 Chapter 2
- Wealth of Nations Book 1 Chapter 3
- Wealth of Nations Book 1 Chapter 4
- Wealth of Nations Book 1 Chapter 5
- Wealth of Nations Book 1 Chapter 6
- Wealth of Nations Book 1 Chapter 7
- Wealth of Nations Book 1 Chapter 8
- Wealth of Nations Book 1 Chapter 9
- Wealth of Nations Book 1 Summary
- what to learn
- Where Do Bonds Come From?
- whom not to work for
- why do some industries lose margin from fierce competition and others leave a margin for owners?
- why use fundamental big ideas for mental models
- work ethic
- You must stop slop early
- Ziad's Mujaddara Recipe